Thursday, January 04, 2007

cosa del blog

Cambiaré mis meses de la plantilla de ahora (cuando me hacen ya con mi tesis). Mi actual plantilla no apoya los textos que estoy utilizando. Para ahora, la preservaré.

2:50 PM

¡Necesito ayuda!

¿cualquier persona sabe una prueba formal de la axiomatización en lógica? ayúdeme por favor. Lo necesito para mi tesis.


2:46 PM

Friday, November 03, 2006

new blog

I hate playing politics.
But we are all into it.

9:08 PM

Sunday, July 23, 2006


i am not feeling well.

di ako pwedeng magkasakit. there are a lot of things that i have to do.

i hope i'd get better tomorrow.

i hope that the celebration of uplb sophia circle's 6th anniversary would be a success.

kahit na problema ang pera; mas malaking problema kung magkakasakit ako.

i hope it would not rain on wednesday night.

i hope. lagi na lang i hope...

6:48 PM

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

relativity, zen, sophists and Plato as the culprit

days ago, when i was organizing all the "mess" in my room, i came across my philosophical essays and stumbled on one of my essays for my epistemology class. the essay* is an inquiry on the distinction between relativity and subjectivity. in that essay, i made an account on Protagoras' doctrine of the relativistic truth, which states that "Man is the measure of all things". it was explained there that the doctrine could be paraphrased as "The truth is significant only because of the man that makes it"; implying that it is the man who creates, and is (thus) the source of truth - the truth that is made significant by virtue of being created by the man who created it. i thought that my account was right because anyone would most likely believe that the doctrine of relativity implies that truth, rather than discovered, is created (which actually makes it relative). but i realized that this account is somewhat mistaken. my previous understanding of the doctrine was flawed though my grade in the essay could make anyone think that i know Protagoras' theory very well. i got a grade of one, which actually made me feel guilty. i murdered Protagoras' philosophy and i still got an excellent grade.

i have read Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. it actually took me about a year or maybe two to finish the novel. i found the introduction boring, though thought-provoking. actually, it is its being thought-provoking that made me finish reading it. anyhow, while i was reading my essay on relativity, i remembered Pirsig's account on Protagoras' doctrine. it was then that i realized that i know very little about his doctrine.

Man is the measure of all things. who taught us that it means that man is the creator of things (i.e. truth)? what makes this statement imply that Truth is relative? what makes the account on truth's relativity imply that truth is created? who taught us all these things? who taught us to kill Protagoras? if we are to examine the statement clearly, "measure" is not actually tantamount to "source". so according to this doctrine, man is not the source of all things. Nor (as Pirsig said) he is a passive observer of things, as materialists would tend to argue. Man is a participant in the creation of things; not the creator of things. Participation, yes, that is what man does in his act of measuring things.

but what is the reason for my wrong interpretation of the doctrine? it was hard to admit that i was mistaken but it was even harder to accept that my wrong interpretation was caused by my way of looking at things. i embraced analytic tradition so much because i grew up with it. that's what happens to you when you grew up with "science" and "mathematics" persons. you would also want to excel, to the point of wanting to discover new things, in those fields so that you would be considered great. and that's where the problem starts. the sciences & math that we have started with philosophy, i mean "western philosophy". the philosophy subjects that are taught in schools are based on western philosophy. (remember Whitehead's claim that all of philosophy is a footnote to Plato?) there seems to be something wrong with the history of western philosophy. i do not assent to all of Pirsig's arguments, but his claims make a lot of sense. it encourages us to re-examine our perspective as tainted by the ancient greek philosophers.

again, let me ask, who taught us to murder the philosophies of Sophists like Protagoras, and say that what they have written are just of rhetoric and not of philosophy? who taught us not to call Sophists as "philosophers"? i mean, we do not know them, nor read all of their works. what would people think if i say the culprit is Plato (whom all philosophies are footnotes to)? i am not saying that he is, but what if Pirsig was right in saying that he is?

"Plato hated the Sophists so was that they could not compare with his master, Socrates, who was in actuality the greatest Sophist of them all." this may sound interesting but as Pirsig said, it was insufficient. well, the battle between the Sophists and what we call "ancient greek philosophers" (Plato and Socrates) may be a battle between ideologies, not because (as what we are taught) Sophists are pseudo-philosophers. why call them pseudo-philosophers if we don't even bother to read their works? is it because they are being paid and because we are taught that "sophists are not philosophers"?

maybe Pirsig was right, it was just a battle between ideologies. Plato and Socrates fought for Truth and Knowledge, which they thought are independent of us. and that's when the dualistic perspective (subject-object distinction) started. we are just subjects who are mere discoverers of Truth. Sophists, on the other hand, were not after the discovery of any single truth. they are after the improvement of men, so they teach the Good. Plato may be just so threatened that the mankind may not strive to discover the Truth; a reason why he hated the so-called Sophists so much. and since the history of philosophy started with Plato and his colleagues and since all are just footnotes to him, we are much affected by this dualistic perspective. we tend to think that Truth is discovered, which actually is the reason why we inquire on things and discover their is-ness. but we find it hard to accept the idea that we are a only a participant (not the subject nor the object) in the creation of things as Protagoras have argued. i do not wish to argue that Plato's philopsophy was wrong and Protagoras' was right; i just want to re-examine our way of looking at things, which might be dogmatic. we tend to look at things as how we are taught by our old western teachers; we tend to inquire on things while looking at ourselves as a subject, and the world as the object. we find it hard to accept that both the world and us (man) are just participants (where there is no subject and no object) in the creation of things, i.e. of truth and etc. if we want to examine or inquire on certain philosophical problems, it would be good if we first examine our way of looking at things so that at least, we could know our biases and know how to deal with them.

*the essay can be found at

8:22 PM

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


i have written and spoken of this many times. i believe this really is the case.

Sometimes we think that we are free when we follow what we want. The truth is, we are free when we do what we have to do, not what we want to do...
Life, as we know it, is a paradox...

8:47 AM

Thursday, April 27, 2006

OMG, i'm so lucky!

okay... so i want to take summer classes so that i would have advanced units. then there came the pre-enlistment and i realized that there are no more GE subjects that i have to take. fine... then take major subjects instead. so i asked my blocmates for the possibility of making a petition so that major subjects will be offered. but no, that can't be possible. subjects in philosophy (except PHLO1) are all seasonal; just take other philosophy majors who can't take summer classes in consideration. plus, i'm not a graduating student; which means, i am not a very special student that would make the university offer a subject just because i want to take that subject. so i really can't take a major subject this summer.

so that was it, i can't take GE and major subjects. why not try cognates or electives? so i looked at the list and tried my luck; and to my very LUCK, the cognates and electives that i have chosen are not offered this summer. i don't like the idea of changing my plan of study (again) and take any subject that's offered here in uplb this summer just for the sake of having a subject. so i am left with nothing except PE. and because i really want to take summer classes not only for being advanced in terms of units but also for just staying here in los baños (and work for the org), i enrolled in a PE course. and take note of the course, Philippine Games. "San ka pa, di ba?!?" whenever i'm in that class, i would tell myself, "kaya mo yan, ilang weeks na lang.." because it really seems that the objective of the course is to go back to our childhood years. but well then, it's fun... i really am having fun playing games that one would usually see being played on the streets.

so okay, i already have a subject. but i want to have a fruitful summer so i decided to apply for student assistantship. i went to su, got a form, filled up the form, submitted the form to the college sec for certification of my grades, went to different buildings to ask for a slot, etc. in short, i exerted effort. but to my very LUCK (again), -- i am telling you, i am very lucky this summer-- back to my story, to my very LUCK, when i already had a slot in cas college sec, i was told that i cannot apply for sa because i do not have an academic subject. OMG, so my effort was just for nothing. it really was an OMG (oh my god!) feeling and wow, diory, you're so lucky.

2:25 PM

Saturday, April 15, 2006


and what could be more boring than boredom itself?

2:50 PM

b - o - r - e - d

black saturday
hot summer
almost 3 hours on the net
tomorrow: easter sunday
day after tomorrow: first day of registration
currently eating: pop corn

2:46 PM

Saturday, March 11, 2006

long time, no post

wheew... and thank God we're done with the production. i'd been extra busy for the past three months and that gave me no time for creating new posts in this blog. as a stage manager, there would be times that you would want to quit the job because it is so stressful; another factor is that you do not want to sacrifice your studies (even a GE course). you would also feel like you cannot do the job properly because you are new in theater and you do not know its ins and outs; this fact would make you feel like the title 'stage manager' is not for you. but well then, i made it... i did not quit. i did my job. i did everything i could. there were some problems of course, but we finally made it. all of us did a good job. it's good to hear that we earned money from the production, but it is more pleasing to hear the word 'congartulations'... it is good to know that people appreciate what you did. thank God we're done with the prod. i finally graduated from being a stage manager, though i still am a manager of my own life. char! there are lot of things i've learned from this production... and as a manager of my own life, i'll apply the lessons that i've learned. my stage is my life...

3:50 PM

Saturday, January 21, 2006

an imitation of one part of uplb campus

(yes, an imitation, in Plato's terms. but don't you think it's nice to look at this pic - at this imitation that which Plato calls third from the truth?...)

- i got this from franco's blog; rara's the one who captured this... well, one may really be blinded by familiarity. i tend to unnotice the beauty of uplb since i already am in it. you walk along the cpark without looking at it; without noticing its beauty that made the expats fascinated with it. i (surely) am gonna miss this place. have one more year left in this university and am not gonna waste a single second of this year doing nonsense.

9:12 AM

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

this is, in heidegger's terms, falling

this is because i want to write for in writing, i speak my mind.
it must have been good, if good is to be defined as pleasing, that i was with my high school friends yesterday. prior to that day, i received a text message from Leslie telling me that we have to meet in order to plan for our christmas get-together. we actually had a plan to go to Enchanted Kingdom as our Tropa traditionally does. but due to certain things, we can't go on with that plan and had to make a new one.

the truth is, i do not care what the plan is (or what will the new one be). all i want is to see my friends and spend some time with them (just like we used to, back then). back in high school, i was so excited to go to college -- a could-be implication that i was not very much attached to them such that i can still live comfortably without them. but i'm not sure of this. indeed, i don't want such to be the case. i was very sure back then that i'm gonna miss them as we part our ways. i do, actually. to my knowledge, such is the case.

there seems to be no problem if such is the casse. i don't know why and can't understand myself why things are different now -- why that despite of my want to bring back the old happy times spent with them, i am not only hesitant, but also not in want to go out with them. i started to feel this since my freshman year in college and tried to deal with it by saying a lie to myself that "yes, i am happy conversing with them". but no, such could not be the case. or maybe yes, it could be. i could be happy but not Happy especially in conversations with them. by conversation, here, i meant the use of language, be it verbal or not. so this includes all the utterances (including speeach acts) implying that almost everything and every moment shared with them comprises this conversation i have talked about.

i am actually not sure of what the feeling is as it seems to be that the wholeness of this feeling is comprised of contradicting feelings all at once. it's like that i want to see them and not see them both at the same time; i want to spend time with them and not spend time with them both at the same time; it's as if i miss them and do not miss them both at the same time. weird, but it actually is. this is the first time that i blurt these things out in writing. i must say that this helps me know myself better.

i am not sure if this is right to speak of these. i'm not even sure if it is right to write of these things and publish publicly. the truth is when i'm with them, i experience the fallenness (or falling, in heidegger's terms). now i can relate to his Being and Time. it's as if i just spend time with them just because i see it as an obligation because i'm a friend or a part of that group. other than this obligation, there's nothing. i am not happy. my being cannot be revealed in the time spent with them. i tried so much to be happy and wished to be indeed happy. i can be, but not Happy. if happiness is a state of mind, this tells me that Happiness is not.

i never felt being out-of-placed (OP) as we use it in our everyday language. i can easily adapt to any environment as i have been doing this for a long time. i am flexible enough to deal with others. but they are not others; their envronment is my environment. this is why i don't understand why. i don't understand why. things tend to be different now. i do not know who or what changed. one probable reason that i suspect is the conflicting interests and/or priorities. call me a stupid friend but this is the truth as i perceive it: i personally think that conversations that they used to and want to engage in are just that of superficial things. they are contented with mediocrity. i, on the other hand, am not and indeed against it. i always am after excellence. not to say that they are contented and don't want to achieve excellence. no, the case is not like that. if they would happen to read this, they might (as it is indeed highly probable) not understand this because they are stuck in the superficial level of looking at things. they see things without really looking at them because they are normal and (just) tend to go on with the trend. they just want to be happy, disregarding the fact that they can be Happy. if they don't understand the previous statement, i am correct in saying that they are stuck in the superficial level. such are the case, and i can say that this is both the advantage and the disadvantage of being a student of philosophy. part of it is that you think about thinking when people do not even want to think. these things could be interpreted by the normal people literally. but these things go beyond what's literal.

oh, i miss my Friends, but there's nothing i can do with this. how one lives is a choice. no one should ever dictate that person to live and believe the same way he/she does.

this could be a defense as to why i often not (and prefer not to) go to the set outings or gimmicks, but this is more of an explication of an almost unexplicable feeling of fleeing caused by falling. again, an explication, more than a defense.

or maybe i am the one stuck in the superficial level at looking at them.

i don't know.

but there's a fleeing due to falling, indeed.

11:06 PM

Friday, December 09, 2005

musings on this week's occurrences

the rehearsals for the laramie project had already started. to be a stage manager is a tough job indeed. you have to be on the venue of the rehearsals before the director gets there, memorize the blockings, the movements, and etc. but despite all these, i am having fun. though it is more tough than i thought it would be, to be a stage manager is more fun than i thought it would be. everything about the production in which we are in excites me. this production made me forget that we are facing a big problem due to the stupidity of one person - of person x.

i was too busy these days that i had a little time to read the "zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance". i was planning to finish reading this philosophical novel written by robert pirsig before i read another novel for my PHLO 182 (philosophy and semiotics) class. but the instances this week gave me less time for this leisure of mine.

there were lots of readings assigned for us to read; most of them are not easy to be grasped by this mind of mine. i am pretty sure that my neurons are functioning very well; that the parts of my brain are still in their right places. yet, whenever i go to PHLO 113 (contemporary philosophy) class to discuss heidegger's philosophy with others, my neurons seem to be sleeping so tight that i cannot disturb them and that other parts of my brain are no more in their right places. of course, these are exaggeration. but the bottom line is: it's never easy to read heidegger's "being and time". i cannot grasp fully what he is trying to say. i cannot understand the being of the being of his text at first reading. this might be because i'm so used to the analytic tradition that i can't seem to understand the continental one because i don't want to.he might be right, there is an ontico-ontological priority in knowing the being of the Dasien (of an entity). if this is the case, it could imply that there is also an ontico-ontological priority in understanding the being of the being of his text. is this the reason why he wrote in a manner that will made it difficult for us to fathom his philosophy? whatever his reason for writing is, i don't... ah, no.. i mean, i do care, 'coz there are still some sections in his text that i have to read.

florence, ate megs and i had a very nice discussion about heidegger's anxiety this afternoon. we were on the uplb main library before our PHLo 113 class, integrating the things we have learned from other subjects with heidegger's philosophy. we stayed there for about an hour and a half. this time that i spent on that library was a time well-spent. i hope we would discuss more on heidegger and on other phenomenologists and existentialists. i am now starting to free myself from being imprisoned in the analytic school of thought that is a dominant tradition in UP. in UP, we are more concerned with analytic philosophy (logical positivism, logical empiricism and linguistic analysis) than with phenomenology and existentialism, which is a dominant tradition in Ateneo. we are into logic; they, into phenomenology. however i try to deny that i am a pseudo-student of philosophy (or not doing genuine philosophizing), i am being one whenever i am criticizing the continental philosophy without first understanding it. yes, i am (used to be and still am) a person belonging to this analytic tradition (just like Phaedrus in the zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance). but this should not hinder me from doing genuine philosophizing. Nitty gritty analysis must only be a method, not an impediment in philosophy. i used to close my door, not allowing the continental tradition enter upon me. but if i want to subject myself into Philosophy itself, i should be willing to change ideas and traditions when there's a need to - when it is discovered that i am not in the Truth. if my aim is to search for this Truth, i must take the risk of accepting new ideas, of opening my doors to other traditions. that i am biased, just like others are biased, is a fact. the best i can do with my biases is to identify them and know how to deal with them.

so much has been said but these are not enough to descibe the whole of my week. before i end this, let me just share something about me as a student and a stage manager of sir dey: i do not know if he is thinking that my being as a stage manager extends 'til when i'm in his classes (172 and 182)... he made me erase the board (after both the 172 and 182 classes)! the whole class was laughing, others are telling me that i am a teacher's pet. anyhow, to be a teacher's pet is better than to be a teacher's pet peeve. it's okay for me to erase the board but i would prefer not to as it would only give my hands some dirt, char! okay, enough with all this... i am actually not at home at this point in time. our monitor collapsed so i cannot surf the net when at home (of course, how will i surf if i don't have a monitor?...) i am about to leave this computer shop minutes from now. but i still have to publish this new entry of mine...

5:15 PM

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

the curse of november

for the past few years, i consider november as one of the most exciting months of the year. such is for 2 sole reasons: first, the first week/s of november is part of the sem break, and second, november is close to christmas break. there is some irony here. the sem break really starts from october and just ends at the first or second week of november. so what i really like about november (talking about my first reason) is not the vacation itself but the nearness of the start of classes. most of the times, i am excited to start the semester and make a career out of my new subjects. the second reason, on the other hand, is the opposite of the first. it made me find november exciting because i am excited for another break. so it's just like, i want to go to class at the first part of november and not go to class at the end of it. with such, november came to be one of my favorite months in the year (but only next to february).

however, that was before. now, i am not so sure. november, now, seems to be a curse to me. wanting to go in class is a nice feeling. it gives me excitement, a feeling that which i think is good especially if such excitement (that which is caused by my want to go to classes) is fueled by my desire to see my friends. likewise, wanting to have a break is something that which is not just normal for a student like me, but also something that could mean something nice. it could mean that i would want to be home, or simply put, i somehow miss my family. and missing my family is something that is nice. but then again, that was before. i am not sure now if november is a blessing or a curse.

its kind of hard to explain the is-ness of this feeling. what i can only speak of (or write) are just parts or a glimpse of the is-ness of this kind of feeling (of considering november as a curse). well, of course, to term november as a curse is an exaggeration. it isn't really something that bad. maybe it's just that november brings so much stress. the truth is, i was not that excited to start this sem (a feeling that is really different from before) because i was afraid to. to explain why is something that i can't do in this blog. but: game of politics is a difficult game indeed. it really is hard to know the people's motives. and even if you have a pretty nice objective, you may be questioned through the means you are using. when a leader does something that he/she thinks would be good for the constituents, expect that it would receive criticisms. if that action done is not desirable to others, expect that they will do something (be it something that will be good for you or not, and/or something that will be good for the whole of your constituents or not). to be a leader is not easy. it is more of a responsibility than an opportunity. furthermore, politics is not just a matter of friendship. but if it is, it is of true friendship, not of friendship in the superficial level. as such, a leader must do the thing that which will be for the good of the constituents as a whole not for this friendship in the superficial level.

it's not just that. there are other more. some are just works that bring stress, and one that does not just give stress but also gives something that i never thought i would have in my whole life. i was (and am) always careful of everything i do. to be careful is the easiest thing that person x must do. but however easy this job is, it is still not done. stupid! (sorry for the word, but person x really drives me mad)

enough with all these... we just had a meeting with the TC (thespian circle) and we had new tasking... i am now one of the two stage managers (a job that i haven't done in my whole life). i even don't have a clear idea of what a stage manager must do. well good luck diory...

8:26 PM

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

responsibilities and my day

hayy... the semester has just started but it feels like it's already in the mid-sem (in terms of works). we do not have exams or paper to write yet (except in PHLO 172) but there are things that i have to do (that should be done, of course) that are outside my academic life. indeed, it's not only me that has lots to do, others have bigger responsibility/ies. just to tell you why: this would be the first time that our organization will stage a play. and even if we say that we are tied up with the Philosophy Division and a theater org, Thespian Circle, it's still a big responsibility, and appears as even bigger because this is our first time (plus other factors as small number of active members, money and etc.). on the contrary, i think it would be fun. the truth is, i'm excited.

and of course it should not be forgotten that i still have to work on our org recognition. included here is asking for copies of my orgmates' Forms 5. and speaking of works and responsibilities, i have a message for person x: "Be careful of what you are signing. You don't know what you're getting into. If it's just okay for you that others might get into trouble, then at least have some little care for yourself. You are in big trouble."

we'll be having a meeting at 8 pm so i'll be preparing for that (of course, after signing out in blogger). anyhow, my day as a student was pretty nice. we just had our first meeting in PHLO 172(Philosophy of Religion) and even if we have to submit a reflection paper on thursday, i still find the subject bearable. the reflection paper is no big deal, anyway. my PHLO 150 (Epistemology) class, on the other hand is kinda exciting. we actually had a nice discussion about (of course) Knowledge (and/or knowledge, as others do claim that Knowledge and knowledge are not one and the same). we, though not all, were so into answering the question that made ate megs and i create a diagram regarding the Knowledge and belief. the question on Knowledge had started not only decades, rather, thousands of years ago, and is still a question until this point in time (with no definite answer). well that's why it's a part of philosophy. we can find in there no certain answer/s. in PHLO 182 (Philosophy and Semiotics), however, we didn't have a class. but this gave me more time for relaxation.

6:43 PM

Sunday, November 20, 2005

i am currently looking for names of filipino biologists and their achievements on the web. i thought it would be an easy task, but it's not.

1:30 AM

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

just finished eating

it's 6:58 in the evening and i am with ate megs and florence (and of course, here in H, my fave comp. shop). i just had dinner and i still can feel the food inside my stomach. but what made me happy at this moment is that i was able to watch "frog prince" (6pm, channel 7). its story is kinda typical. actually, one may say that it's cheezy, but oh well... it's just good to watch shows of such kind if you feel like wanting to be free from the external world and all the stress (and the likes) it may give you. corny na kung corny, but i just want to be honest... it's relaxing to watch shows na tatawa ka lang ng tatawa..

okay, enough with the "frog prince" and all the cheezy stuffs.. not all the times i would be wanting to just laugh and watch shows that would not require one to think. the truth is, i miss watching ANC (ABS - CBN News Channel), especially straight talk (with, of course, my fave Cito Beltran). i also miss watching news at night (channel 2 and 7) and comment on them (because i would prefer watching news in ANC). i also miss watching "jewel in the palace", which is a political story (in guise of a drama story so as to attract viewers). i wish i could still watch these shows. but i can't... because i'm back here in los baños, and i'm about to do lots of things that i think would be more important than just watching tv. and another thing is, i cannot watch these shows in our dorm because my dormmates would simply not want watching them and i don't want to be an impediment to them from watching their favorite shows.

hahh... i just hope that i would enjoy my stay here in los baños. this is (only) my third year here but i already want to step out of here. i am happy with my friends... but, i'm just tired.

fin= 7:19pm

6:58 PM

Monday, November 14, 2005

first day of classes

my day (as a student) has finally ended. i just got home (dorm, actually) after my class in SFFG 120. I never thought that the class would be fun considering that our room is in forestry (up in the mountain, hehe) and that i do not actually know what the course is about. I do have the subject just because it's required in our course, nothing more than that. i felt guilty when our teacher said that students just take subjects in order to get good grades and finish their course; that most students (if not all) take her subjects not for the sake of and/or gaining knowledge (for, you know, growth of the mind). well actually i would like to tell her that my reason for taking my subjects is because i do want to learn, because i want to feed my mind whether or not i'll get a practical use on such. but then again, that applies only to my major subjects (that is, philosophy subjects) and not to GE courses and others that are not about philosophy (or shall i say, subjects that are not of my interest). and well, she was right. most students do take subjects just because they are required to do so, and i am one of them.

there were few notable stories (that are somewhat funny) that happened this day. in my first class (Nasc 4 or Biology), me and my seatmates were almost laughing at almost half of the class hour. that was because we were like in our high school days. (our teacher even told those who recited to write their names in a piece of paper and pass it to her. well this is because she'll give them extra points... sooo high school.. hehe) of course, you readers could not relate to what i am talking about because you're not in that class, but to tell you, what happened is really worth laughing. the class is not really funny though, but i had fun.

but this is the real funny story: in our PHLO 113 class (contemporary philosophy), Ms. Lei asked us whether or not we have already taken up PHLO 120 (Philosophical reasoning). most of us had already taken up the subject (that includes me and most of my blocmates). she asked heherson if he had taken up the subject and the latter said "no", so when the teacher asked him if he wanted to enlist his name in the 120 class list, he said "yes". we all laughed. all of us know that he had taken it because he was our classmate in that subject, (and he, of course, should not take it again)... despite of this, he kept on insisting that he hadn't taken it up. we were all laughing that he doesn't know that 120 is Philosophical Reasoning, the subject that he had taken semesters ago. he totally forgot, and that was funny.

another funny thing: we were in "tambayan" (of Sophia) waiting til it got quarter to 4 when i saw ate megs drinking "Virgin cola". seeing this, i asked her, "anong lasa ng Virgin?" they all had a big laugh. my question appears to have a double meaning, but the truth is, i really want to know how that cola tastes. well, guess they do have green minds.. hehe

5:15 PM

Sunday, November 13, 2005

harr.. extend my vacation pls..

it's 9:43 pm and it's sunday. back then (about weeks ago), i was so bored that i wanted to go back here in los baños. but now it's different, i want my vacation (semestral break) be extended. last week was the mark of the start of the second semester. tomorrow will be the first day of classes. i'm actually excited to see my friends, but as previously stated, i want my vacation be extended.

the truth is, i made this entry just to have one (here in my new blog).

8:37 PM

an eye for an i

the "i"

i am not what i am and am what i am not. i am my own nothingness.
-- jean-paul sartre

i am a thinking thing. i think therefore i am.
-- rene descartes

i am the mean between everything and nothing.
-- blaise pascal

i am what i repeatedly do. -- aristotle


the "i"; the ninth letter of the modern English alphabet.
it is a one-letter word, contested in terms of its meaning.

it could be the "me"; that which explicates my identity.
but what is the "me"?
how can the "me" be reduced to an i?
or the "i" be reduced to a "me"?
is "i = me" logically true?
can the identity be contained in a one-letter word such as "i"?
or can the "i" contain the identity?
can "me" be the "i"?
can "i" be the "me"?

the "i"; grammatically spelled with a capital letter such as "I",
hereafter used with a small letter "i",
to explain the "me" -
a "me" who is not only a subject who looks at objects
but an object as being looked by other subjects.


i am: a philosophy major at the University of the Philippines

i am: a person who, just like everyone, gets old as time goes by

i am: excited, yet scared of what the future may bring

i am: discontented with life and the mere sense of living

i am: discontented but happy

i am: ambitious. over ambitious.

i am: walking in a path, with a destination in mind, without knowing where to go

i am: more weird than i think i am

i am: sane yet insane

i am: simply who i am

i am: me, and

i: do not know "me"

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