Tuesday, May 30, 2006


i have written and spoken of this many times. i believe this really is the case.

Sometimes we think that we are free when we follow what we want. The truth is, we are free when we do what we have to do, not what we want to do...
Life, as we know it, is a paradox...

8:47 AM

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the "i"

i am not what i am and am what i am not. i am my own nothingness.
-- jean-paul sartre

i am a thinking thing. i think therefore i am.
-- rene descartes

i am the mean between everything and nothing.
-- blaise pascal

i am what i repeatedly do. -- aristotle


the "i"; the ninth letter of the modern English alphabet.
it is a one-letter word, contested in terms of its meaning.

it could be the "me"; that which explicates my identity.
but what is the "me"?
how can the "me" be reduced to an i?
or the "i" be reduced to a "me"?
is "i = me" logically true?
can the identity be contained in a one-letter word such as "i"?
or can the "i" contain the identity?
can "me" be the "i"?
can "i" be the "me"?

the "i"; grammatically spelled with a capital letter such as "I",
hereafter used with a small letter "i",
to explain the "me" -
a "me" who is not only a subject who looks at objects
but an object as being looked by other subjects.


i am: a philosophy major at the University of the Philippines

i am: a person who, just like everyone, gets old as time goes by

i am: excited, yet scared of what the future may bring

i am: discontented with life and the mere sense of living

i am: discontented but happy

i am: ambitious. over ambitious.

i am: walking in a path, with a destination in mind, without knowing where to go

i am: more weird than i think i am

i am: sane yet insane

i am: simply who i am

i am: me, and

i: do not know "me"

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